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We are Brout

And we bring awareness.

It starts with awareness. Of what’s already there. Of what’s not—or not yet—there. And of how you let yourself, your team or your organization grow. That’s what we will be working on. In a triangle: you, your context and us.

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Root Digging

Brout digs. We don’t stay on the surface, we get to the root of things. No band-aid solutions, but a thorough approach.

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Brout confronts. We are open and honest, even if you might not like what we have to say. But we will always treat you with respect—our goal is getting to those deeper layers.

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Brout awakens. Briefly, we will turn your view of yourself—and of the world—upside down. Showing you differently. So you can act differently.

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Brout moves. We do things our own way. Unorthodox, but with a vision. You’ll learn to love it. And if you don’t, that’s okay too.

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Brouteers are professionals with a rebellious streak, always going for gold. They bring out your best for the world. They act as your mirror. With love and respect, always. No judgment, but they can be confronting. They have the courage to act. They show their vulnerability and invite you to do the same. Meet our Brouteers!

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Wall of fame Brouteers

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Ton Keunen

CVO, Founder & Leadership Developer

Annelies den Boer


Thijs van Wersch

Lead Trainers, Senior Trainer & Coach

Rob Baas


Merijn van Bussel

Lead Operations, Finance & HR

Nathalie Paulussen

Senior Trainer & Coach

Monica Keunen

Senior Coach & Lead Coaches

Mathijs Ummels

Trainer & Coach

Joost Agterberg

Lead Growth, Trainer & Coach

Joanie van der Sande

Trainer & Coach

Matt Hoogenwoonink

Trainer & Coach

Mieke van Winden

Food and more

Moniek Hermans

Lady of the House

Koos van Plateringen

Hospitality & Podcast-host

Nadieh Roeffen

Trainer & Coach

Tess Krijger


Ilse Otten

Lead Project Manager

Saphira Volbeda

Project Manager

Jorien Loots


Mirjam Boxen

Trainer & Coach

Nina Vervoorn

Trainer & Coach

Hannah Coffeng

Project Manager

Juliette Deben

Project Manager

Daniëlle van der Schoot

Content Manager 

Lois Veldheer

Project Manager

Matheus Faria da Silva

Performance Marketeer

Emma van Emmerik

Learning & Design Specialist

Michael Dongor

Learning & Design Specialist & BDR

Roy Groeneveld


Pauline Alberts


Hylke Reidsma


Vincent de Lusenet


Reinder Schonewille

Business Consultant

Daan Klever


Stijn Rost van Tonningen


Frank Vogt

Trainer & Coach

Marly Teunissen

Trainer & Coach

Ingrid Holla

Senior Trainer

Sylvia Weijmer

Trainer & Coach

Jeannette Beelen

Trainer & Coach

Heleen Parser

Training Actor

Pieter Maas Geesteranus

Senior Trainer

Cindy Bell

Training actor

Jeroen Wijnhorst


Reinder Busstra

Marketeer & Customer Experience