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Leading Organizations

Awareness for managers and executives.

Do you lead a department, large division or entire organization and want to increase your impact? Leading Organizations is a leadership and organizational development program for managers and directors. We offer a sounding board, hold up a mirror to you and help you discover where you want to go with your organization and how to get there.

Please note that registrations for this program are going fast. By October, we are already full. The next option is March 2023. Be quick about it!


  • You will increase your leadership in the organization. This will encourage others to grow and take leadership in your presence.
  • You will gain a better understanding of your effectiveness as a leader. You will learn to recognize ineffective behavior and turn it into effective behavior. This will also give a powerful boost to your own effective behavior.
  • You will learn to build the best culture within your organization. Your leadership will create new energy to learn, grow, and create the future together.


Leading Organizations consists of a kickoff, three modules and a closing day. You will also be doing peer consultation and development projects, plus you’ll have a buddy and a mentor to discuss things with. Each day has a specific focus. The full program, from intake to closing day, takes 7 months.

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First, you’ll meet Dorine, Leading Organizations’ program lead, one-on-one. During the meeting, we will discuss your learning and development goals with you and go over the development goals and the program details. The meeting takes place online.


Module 1

 Leading Organizations
(With training group)

During this kick-off, you will get to know the trainers and other participants. With the group, we’ll be staying at a special location for two days. We will go over the specifics of the program with you. The sessions center around the topics of true leadership and business impact. After all, growth starts with reflection. How do you see yourself, your organization and its environment? You examine your own identity and share important life events. This has an immediate effect on a safe learning environment. Are you able to motivate others and help them grow? You will gain experiences and ideas about how you can drastically increase your impact as a leader.

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Living Leadership Circle 1

(With working environment)

You choose five coworkers and employees from your organization for the first Living Leadership Circle. This is a meeting where you and the other five people discuss the organization and your leadership together. The aim is to gather input on your learning and development ambitions, both for yourself and the organization. One of the trainers will supervise this meeting, which will take place at The House of Brout.


Module 2

 Leading Others
(With training group)

In two days, we will guide you through several principles of the creating organization. You can recognize a creating organization by the vibrant energy in the corridors and the apparent ease with which results are achieved. How do you ensure that your employees can link their purpose to the higher goal of the organization? It begins with releasing obstructive beliefs and a change of your mindset. Next, you learn to create commitment by leveraging potential and are introduced to dialogue as a decision-making model.


Peer consultation 1

The group will be divided into two or three peer groups. You and the other participants will study practical case studies during the peer review. Together, you explore your possibilities, look for solutions, and solidify your new insights. The trainer supervises the peer review session using the most common peer review techniques.


Module 3

 Leading Self
(With training group)

Culture is the organization’s DNA; it determines how things are done within the organization. It is the intangible link between the people. Unconscious rules support the actions and existence of the organization. As a leader, you are an essential figurehead. You lead by example. In this two-day module, we zoom in on the organizational culture phenomenon. You will research the undercurrent and dynamics in your organization according to the principles of systemic work (organizational constellations).


Peer consultation 2

Once again, the peer review group will get together. Each introduces their professional case study. Together, you explore your possibilities, look for solutions, and solidify your new insights.
The trainer supervises the peer review session using the most common peer review techniques.

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Switching Places


“Changing your perspectives will transform not only you but the whole world.”

Have you always wanted to know what it is like to be someone else for a day? This is your chance! Everyone switches places with one of the other participants for a day. This will give a different perspective and new inspiration. You’ll finally have the chance to experience what things are like at other organizations! Together, you prepare the day carefully so that you can gain targeted insights and provide the other person with thorough feedback.
Always wanted to know what it’s like to be someone else for a day? This is your chance! Everyone switches places with another participant for a day. This also means that someone will be taking on your role. This unique experience will give you a different perspective and new inspiration.
In addition, you’ll have the chance to experience what things are like at other organizations. Afterward, you’ll share your experiences, providing honest feedback and advice to the person with whom you’ve swapped places.

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Living Leadership Circle 2

 Coaching in the context
(With working environment)

With the five employees you’ve chosen earlier, you will return to The House of Brout for another Living Leadership Circle meeting. The trainer will supervise a meeting during which you’ll share your learnings with your colleagues. They will provide feedback based on their experiences.

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Module 4

(With training group)

On the final day, everything comes together, and we will pick the fruits of our labor! You re-establish what true leadership means to you and how you will make the difference using that definition as a starting point. Experiences, insights, and lessons learned are shared. Everyone does this in their unique way. At the end of the day, we say goodbye after a delicious dinner. But who knows, you might meet each other again at a Leading Organizations Intensive program or the annual Leading Organizations Dinner Event.

Extension program: Coaching in/as your profession (CIAYP)

Coaching in/as your profession (CIAYP) is an extension of Leading self. During this 3-day crash course you’ll learn, practice, and experience true coaching. You’ll get to know all the ins and outs of the profession. You will be coaching your first coachees, but you will also be coached yourself. This course offers a basis from which you can start working as a coach.

In-depth program: Leading Organizations Intensive

As part of Leading Organizations, we organize Intensives in Northern Portugal twice a year. This addition to the regular program offers you the opportunity to step away from the hustle-and-bustle and focus on what truly matters, together with other leaders. This will help you expand your leadership.

The Location

The stay at D’Alijo is an important part of this INTENSIVE. Surrounded by mountains and natural springs, you imagine yourself in paradise. Everything is aimed at facilitating your development. In the Mainhouse you meet for meals and a drink. Between activities you can retire to your hotel room or cabin, relax by the pool or enjoy a massage. For more information look at www.dalijoyogaretreats.com