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Inner leadership, outer change.

We always promise impact. When we meet. Have a conversation. In training. During a presentation. Over coffee. In the way we focus on you. In our way of doing things. We translate everything we do into impact. For our customers as well as the people who work there.

The basis for change: insight, impact and influence

The question is always: “What do I do that causes this?” We believe that people permanently change their behavior once they’ve found the 3Is: insight, impact and influence. Change occurs when someone has insight into their behavior, experiences the impact of its consequences and develops the influence to change it. This is how change moves from within (insight) to outside (behavior). No tricks or complicated methods. We don’t add anything, we pull out what’s there. We bring out your best.

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Get insight

Everything starts with insight. Know what you’re doing, and why you do the things you do. That’s the only way to acknowledge that there are things you can change.

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Experience impact

No impact, no need to change. If you don’t experience the consequences of your behavior, you won’t feel the need to change.

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Develop influence

You have to be able to do it. If you don’t have the opportunity to change or don’t know how to, it won’t work.

Tailor-made where needed, a set program where possible.

No need to reinvent the wheel: many professionals struggle with the same challenges. That’s why we offer a number of set programs at our Brout School At the same time, we acknowledge that every person, every team and every organization is unique. What works for one person may not work for another. In those cases, it’s better to look at a tailor-made solution. With Brout Tailor-made, we sit down together to create a truly impactful development program for your organization.

Measurable results

We start at the end. A training that’s just ‘fun’ is no good. It’s about impact, results. What kind of behavior do you expect the trainees to show after the training? That’s the question we ask our clients. We translate this into specific, measurable results. Next, we work with 4 levels to ensure the transfer of the training to the workplace. This is based on Kirkatrick’s Four-Level Learning Model.


Level 1


Did the participants enjoy the training? Measuring at this level mainly reflects people’s first impression afterwards. The transfer to the workplace is only measurable at the levels 2, 3 and 4.

Level 2


Did learning transfer occur? This level examines whether participants gained insight into their behavior and experienced impact.

Level 3


Did the training change behaviour?

Level 4


Did the training influence performance? We examine to which extent the stated goals have been achieved as a result of the training. These are actual, measurable results.

Our learning principles

We want to create an impact. That’s why we make our programs as effective—and fun!—as possible. The following three principles underpin everything we do.

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Focus on mindset and capabilities.

We don’t teach you any tricks!

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We look at the context.

In most cases, we act systemically.

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It’s about results.

We’re looking for growth that contributes to business performance.

*These principles are based on research conducted by the European Foundation for Management Development, ‘Leadership development, the path to greater effectiveness’ (November 2016).